September 19, 2012

A golden website for The Golden Mile

Our latest contribution to the fabric of the world wide web is a website for Golden Mile.

The Golden Mile is a fantastic national initiative, supported by Dame Kelly Holmes and Sir Duncan Goodhew, which focuses on implementing health and physical activity in the UK’s schools, nurseries, and corporations.

In a nutshell was asked to design and build the new site and develop a content management system to enable The Golden Mile team to keep the website up-to-date.

Simple, right? Well, the challenge with this site came in the form of a competition system whereby pupils can challenge other pupils in their class, classes can challenge other classes in their school and schools can challenge other schools in the country to walk a Golden Mile.

The sheer amount of data required on the site to allow this intra and inter school competition to function was in itself a huge task. Couple that with the billing and resource systems the site also hosts and this was a site with many a challenge in itself!

But we like a challenge and we think it’s fair to say we stepped up to the mark with this one. Powering this online operation is our bespoke CMS solution – oneCMS. Designed, built and supported by us it was the perfect solution for such a big task.

And while our development team was busy implementing all the elements needed, our web design team was focussing on the look and feel for the site.

The website is designed for a wide audience so needs to be easy on the eye, appealing to all – from a school child to a business director, and simple to navigate. Its aim is to communicate and educate, so our web design team set about making sure all the key messages were very visual, the graphics bright and the images captivating.

In the meantime, our account handling team was liaising with the client, managing expectations and timings, and ensuring the client received a website that fulfilled its business objectives.

The result is a site that is delivering for the client and we’re proud to have made a reality.