Increased visibility with content marketing

Fast-moving, frightening and confusion are some of the adjectives that you could apply to our current situation but surely it is worth concentrating on being adaptable, forward-thinking and nimble to ensure survival. And these traits are as appropriate for the individual as they are for business.  So how can you be confident that your business doesn’t disappear from sight even if it is under severe restrictions?

One such discipline that requires a thorough investigation is content marketing.  As consumers are forced to spend more time at home and online, content marketing can provide supportive, responsive messaging that communicates a brand’s personality while keeping it visible. Yes, it’s been around for a while and mentioned in lots of marketing strategies, but as other marketing channels disappear what does content marketing really offer? Let’s take a closer look.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract a reader’s attention. It adds value across all digital marketing channels, including boosting SEO, reinvigorating social media posts and improving conversion rates on your website. You can use content marketing to educate your audience on your products and services, and while it is not an overly promotional channel, it can help you develop an on-going relationship with customers and build a level of trust about your brand, providing proactive support and value with every post.

Content marketing is the creation of material such as:

  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • How to’s
  • Ebooks
  • FAQs
  • Guides
  • Infographics

Blogs, articles and social media posts allow you to educate your audience on your products and services or provide them with interesting insights to establish your brand as a responsive and understanding thought-leader.

How can content marketing support your customers at this time?

Content marketing is an extremely useful and resourceful way to remind your customers that you are there for them in this time of uncertainty. Unlike traditional advertising, it gives you an opportunity to proactively listen to their needs and can better align you to adapt to change, meaning you can continue to offer something of value. The more you listen and respond to concerns, the more trust people will place in your brand, helping you get through this trying time together.

How can we help?

Here at OneAgency, we have a team of content marketing professionals who can help you create a successful content marketing strategy and the materials to go with it. Make sure that you don’t get forgotten about in these difficult times and keep your messaging in front of customers for now and into the future – get in touch today.