One week, five stories #6

Hardly a week goes by without relevant news in the marketing world, so here is our selection of the interesting updates from 9-16 September.

Welcome the new Volkswagen

In 2015, the Volkswagen emissions scandal definitely made a dent in the car company’s reputation. And it decided to completely revamp its branding to leave the scandal in the past and present a new face to its customers. With a new logo and brand design, the company will adopt an ‘authenticity’ and ‘no-filter’ approach in order to attempt to regain its customers’ trust and restore its public image worldwide. Shifting away from the scandal, Volkswagen wants to create a whole new brand identity, more in accordance with current trends, such as promoting environmentally efficient cars and being transparent with its customers. Despite the scandal, the car manufacturer always remained a popular brand in the UK and this modern campaign should help them reaffirm their place in a changing world.

Let Facebook become a real marketplace

Facebook announced that it is testing a new ‘Collaborative Stories’ feature to allow multiple public figures and creators to post in the same Facebook Story. With this new addition, content creators will be able to reach a more diversified audience and engage with new fans. It’s no secret that social media platforms have been trying to make their place into the e-commerce market, so, it comes as no surprise that Facebook is also working on adding tags for products directly in Facebook stories. It will allow businesses to monetise their stories, letting consumers buy products with just a few taps of the finger.

Find your next freelancer with LinkedIn

Earlier this year LinkedIn decided to give more importance to freelancers creating listings for them to offer their services and automatically appear in the LinkedIn search engine. Now, businesses can have access to a new post option to put out a call for experts in a specific field and with different and chosen skills. As the job market keeps evolving and creating more space for freelance and remote work this new feature makes sense for the preferred professional social media platform.

No more painful horizontal videos on social media

With the help of Adobe Premier Pro and its use of AI, you might never have to watch annoying horizontal video on social media again. With the rise of social media, the way we consume video content has changed a lot: automatic subtitles to watch without sound, vertical video is preferential, different video ratios per platform, etc. So, whether you want to post a video on YouTube, Instagram or Instagram Stories, Adobe will automatically resize and edit your video in the right format for each platform. No more tedious editing for you, Adobe will be doing all the hard work, making the result pleasant for your audience!

A shift from traditional to digital marketing for Morrisons

For the second year in a row, Morrisons has decided to pass on the big Christmas TV advertising campaign and to invest in digital marketing instead, which, the grocery company considers more affordable. Morrisons recognises that this shift might make them lose reach, but as an already well-established company, is brand awareness still really needed? All in all, their decision is to invest less, but in better techniques that will help them identify and target different audiences to better fulfil their customers’ needs and desires.