Active Norfolk

From B to C to B. Redefining the position of Active Norfolk

The Brief

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Since its formation in 2006, Active Norfolk’s purpose had evolved from encouraging the county’s general population to take part in physical activities to focusing on making the most inactive sections of society more active. Specifically, this new direction meant moving from delivering services directly to residents to working with system partners (from local government, education, health, social care, and charities) to identify common goals and then provide advice, knowledge and insight that helps partners achieve better outcomes for Norfolk residents through being more active. 

As a result, Active Norfolk’s brand needed to be redefined and its visual identity and website needed to be updated to communicate its new brand. 

Brand guidelines for Active Norfolk

First step, understanding

The project landed during the first lockdown, so we designed and conducted our initial workshop with internal stakeholders online. To define Active Norfolk’s vision, we sent a series of exercises for each of the participants to complete as ‘homework’. The results were compiled so that we could use them as the basis for a group discussion in a Zoom meeting, with the group ranking their own responses so that we could zone in on the descriptions and language that they described them best. The output of this stage was a report that recorded the sector landscape, the organisation’s long-term goals, its brand essence, its personality, key audiences, and potential audience barriers. 

We then conducted a series of further one-to-one telephone interviews with stakeholders from Active Norfolk’s partner network to get a 360° view and sense check the findings from the initial workshop.

Working together to get norfolk moving tote bag with woman running

Planning, Telling the story

In the planning stage, we distilled the research findings into a single narrative, creating a longer brand story and brand pillars before writing the short form positioning line: Working together to get Norfolk moving.

Logo design graphic for active norfolk

A look to match

With the brand positioning elements signed off by the client, we wrote a creative brief for the design of a new logo and accompanying visual style, including colour palette and fonts. The ‘walking A’ logo was chosen from a set of options and then the complete set of elements was set out in a new brand guidelines document.  

 OneAgency later went on to bring the brand to life online with the design and build of


Website design process for active norfolk